1. Etiquette is not simply tradition; it is part of your practice.
2. Students should bow when entering and leaving the dojo and bow to the shomen when entering and leaving the mat.
3. Remove your shoes at the side of the mat and place them neatly.
4. Kevin, or any guest instructors, are to be addressed as "Sensei".
5. A few minutes before the start of class, line up and sit quietly waiting for your instructor to begin. Bow with your instructor to shomen, and then to your instructor before the initial exercises.
6. If you are late for class, change quickly, bow upon entering the practice area, and then sit quietly off to the side in seiza until your instructor gives you permission to join class.
7. Bow to your instructor when called upon to assist in demonstrating a technique; bow again and sit down when done.
8. Bow when the instructor has finished demonstrating and has directed the class to practice.
9. When your instructor claps, sit down again in neat lines.
10. Should the instructor advise you on a technique during practice, sit in seiza, or kneel on one knee, until the instructor is finished, then thank the instructor and bow.
11. If you need to leave the practice area for any reason, bow and thank your partner, and then ask your instructor’s permission to be excused.
12. Do not talk while your instructor is lecturing or demonstrating. Resist the urge to give instruction to fellow students; instead look to your Sensei or Sempai (Senior students) for assistance.
Bow and thank your partner after practicing a technique.
At the end of class, bow to everyone with whom you practiced.
1. Etiquette is not simply tradition; it is part of your practice.
2. Students should bow when entering and leaving the dojo and bow to the shomen when entering and leaving the mat.
3. Remove your shoes at the side of the mat and place them neatly.
4. Kevin, or any guest instructors, are to be addressed as "Sensei".
5. A few minutes before the start of class, line up and sit quietly waiting for your instructor to begin. Bow with your instructor to shomen, and then to your instructor before the initial exercises.
6. If you are late for class, change quickly, bow upon entering the practice area, and then sit quietly off to the side in seiza until your instructor gives you permission to join class.
7. Bow to your instructor when called upon to assist in demonstrating a technique; bow again and sit down when done.
8. Bow when the instructor has finished demonstrating and has directed the class to practice.
9. When your instructor claps, sit down again in neat lines.
10. Should the instructor advise you on a technique during practice, sit in seiza, or kneel on one knee, until the instructor is finished, then thank the instructor and bow.
11. If you need to leave the practice area for any reason, bow and thank your partner, and then ask your instructor’s permission to be excused.
12. Do not talk while your instructor is lecturing or demonstrating. Resist the urge to give instruction to fellow students; instead look to your Sensei or Sempai (Senior students) for assistance.
Bow and thank your partner after practicing a technique.
At the end of class, bow to everyone with whom you practiced.