The dojo is in a residential area, please be respectful and considerate to our neighbors upon entering and exiting the dojo.
When parking vehicles do not block any residential driveways under any circumstances.
Only the Sensei, students of the class being taught and any person used by Sensei as Uki to demonstrate techniques are allowed on the mat.
For health and safety reasons this is not negotiable.
1. Remove all jewelry before practice.
2. Do not eat or chew gum while practicing or consume food in the dojo.
3. Keep your toenails and fingernails trimmed properly.
4. Keep your gi and body clean and do not leave your gi in the dojo.
5. The club belongs to it's members, make an effort to arrive early to assist in laying the mat failiure to do so will result in a delay in the commencement of training.
6. If watching a class and at all other times, move and talk quietly so as not to disturb a class in session.
7. Volunteer your services to keep the dojo clean. Students are expected to spend at least a few minutes cleaning after each class. Please show initiative.
8. Do not wait to be asked to pay your fees on time. However, if you are unable to pay on time, speak privately with Kevin Sensei or a member of the management team before your fees are late, but continue to attend your practices.
9. Respect the dojo, its instructors, and your fellow students. They make your training possible.
10. Treat others the way you wish to be treated.